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Note: All images displayed on this page are credited to the construction work of Alejandro Uribe Architects.
Alejandro Uribe Architects
Welcome to our dedicated showcase of Alejandro Uribe Architects—true pioneers in the ICF system in Los Cabos.
As expert designers and builders, Alejandro Uribe Architects have redefined the region’s construction landscape, seamlessly integrating innovation, sustainability, and aesthetic excellence through ICF technology.
Their groundbreaking projects not only set new industry standards but also exemplify the future of efficient, resilient building practices in Southern Baja. Explore their work and discover how their visionary approach is transforming ideas into remarkable, lasting structures in Los Cabos.
Golden Medal Architectural Biennal 2008 in Baja California Sur.
Golden Medal Architectural Biennal 2008 in Baja California Sur, Jalisco, Nayarit, Colima, Sinaloa and Sonora.
Mención Architectural Biennal 2013 in Baja California Sur, Jalisco, Nayarit, Colima, Sinaloa and Sonora.

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